About Us

The importance of studying knowledge science, knowledge engineering and knowledge management has been recognized widely. We could cite Feigenbaum’s words in his book The fifth generation, Artificial Intelligence and Japan’s Computer challenge to the World, for demonstrating the point:

  • “Knowledge is not the same as information. Knowledge is Information that has been pared, shaped, interpreted, selected, and transformed”
  • “Knowledge is power, and the computer is an amplifier of that power. We are now at the dawn of a new computer revolution…the transition from information processing to knowledge processing”
  • “…establish a ‘knowledge industry’ in which knowledge itself will be a salable commodity like food and oil. Knowledge itself is to become the wealth of nations”.
  • Our Aim

  • Making available information about KSEM conferences among people who are interested in it.
  • Serving as a representative forum for experts within the KSEM related field.
  • Distributing KSEM related information and knowledge, e.g papers, projects, news, discussions and even blogs
  • Steering Committee


    • Honorary Chair: Ruqian Lu, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
    • Chair: Dimitris Karagiannis, University of Vienna, Austria


    Yaxin Bi Ulster University, UK Christos Douligeris University of Piraeus, Greece
    Yuncheng Jiang South China Normal University, China Zhi Jin Peking University, China
    Claudiu Kifor Sibiu University, Romania Gang Li Deakin University, Australia
    Yoshiteru Nakamori Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan Meikang Qiu Texas A&M University Commerce, USA
    Jorg Siekmann German Research Centre of Artificial Intelligence, Germany Xiaoyang Wang Zhejiang Gongshang University, China
    Martin Wirsing Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany Hui Xiong Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA
    Bo Yang Jilin University, China Chengqi Zhang University of Technology, Australia
    Zili Zhang Southwest University, China



    Previous KSEM Conferences

    Previous KSEM Conferences has been held in the following venues and the proceedings have been published by Springer-Verley in the series of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence.

    • All
    • 2021- To date
    • 2016-2020
    • 2011-2015
    • 2006-2010

    2025 KSEM

    2024 KSEM

    2023 KSEM

    2022 KSEM

    2021 KSEM

    2020 KSEM

    2019 KSEM

    2018 KSEM

    2017 KSEM

    2016 KSEM

    2015 KSEM

    2014 KSEM

    2013 KSEM

    2011 KSEM

    2010 KSEM

    2009 KSEM

    2007 KSEM

    2006 KSEM

    Previous KSEM Invited Speaker

    • All
    • 2021-To date
    • 2016-2020
    • 2011-2015
    • 2006-2010

    2023 KSEM

    2022 KSEM

    2021 KSEM

    2020 KSEM

    2019 KSEM

    2018 KSEM

    2017 KSEM

    2015 KSEM

    2014 KSEM

    2013 KSEM

    2011 KSEM

    2010 KSEM

    2009 KSEM

    2007 KSEM

    2006 KSEM

    KSEM General Guidelines and Policies

    For the KSEM conference series, we are committed to promoting ethical behavior, diversity, and fairness in all aspects of our conference. Our policies aim to establish a premier research conference in knowledge science, engineering, and management.


    All attendees, including authors, speakers, organizers, and participants, are expected to conduct themselves in an ethical manner that respects the dignity and rights of all individuals. This includes avoiding any form of discrimination, harassment, or bullying based on personal characteristics, such as gender, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, age, or disability. In addition, all participants are expected to adhere to ethical standards in their research, including obtaining appropriate informed consent and ensuring the ethical use of data.


    We believe that diversity is essential for advancing AI research and fostering innovation in the field. Therefore, we strive to create a conference that represents a diverse range of perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences. This includes inviting speakers and organizers from different countries and encouraging submissions on emerging topics in the field. We also prioritize the inclusion of diverse perspectives and viewpoints in our program and discussions.

    Bidding of KSEM Hosting

    Organizations interested in hosting the KSEM conference are required to submit the bidding documents to the KSEM steering committee chair, no later than two months prior to that year's KSEM conference. The bidding document needs to cover the following aspects:

    • Venue and Hosting Organization
    • Facilities and Accommodation
    • Proposed Organization Committee
    • Experience in Hosting International Conferences
    • Strategies for Organizing KSEM
    • Recommended Schedules/Milestones

    Conference Chair Designation

    The KSEM conference general chair is responsible for overseeing the overall conference and ensuring that it aligns with our policies and values. We select our general chair based on their experience, leadership skills, and commitment to promoting ethical behavior and diversity in the field. The general chair is responsible for upholding our policies and values, as well as ensuring that the conference is inclusive and welcoming to all attendees.

    KSEM program committee chairs are designated based on their academic leadership, expertise, experience, and commitment to promoting ethical behavior and diversity in the field. We expect our program chairs to prioritize diversity in their selection of keynote speakers and accepted papers, as well as in the overall program design. Additionally, program committee chairs are expected to facilitate open and respectful discussions and ensure that all participants have an equal opportunity to contribute and engage.

    To Be Our Sponsor...

    The benefits for our sponsors:
    • Their name and/or logo will appear in our advertising.
    • Their name and logo will be published in the conference proceedings.
    • The conference can include their product announcements (or free products if they like) in the registration package for each conference participant.

    Depending on the amount of money they contribute, the following benefits are also possible.

    • If space is available, they can possibly have a couple of posters at the conference venue, or staff a small table outside the conference meeting rooms for advertising their products.
    • The conference may offer the opportunity to use a conference room during a special period for the sponsors to demonstrate their products or their current research/development projects.